Friday, May 25, 2012

Wednesday, May 30th: Sid Miller, Michael Heald, and The Old Chagrin

What would May be without Kidnap? 

Just another nonsense pseudo-summer month!

Please join us on Wednesday, May 30th for semi-tropical words by local demi-gods Sid Miller and Michael Heald, and half-shark-alligator half-man melodies by The Old Chagrin!

As always, please bring anyone you love, any drinks or food you might want to share, and any extra cash you've got lying around for books or the donation jar. Let's all remember May for what it was: kinda a cock-tease, sorta a blast, and for sure an excellent month to be using your ears!


Sid Miller's two books of poetry are Nixon on the Piano and Dot-to-Dot, Oregon. He is the editor of Burnside Review and director of Crow Arts Manor. In ancient Chinese mythology it is believed that his twin boys sprang forth directly from his testis.

Michael Heald is the publisher of Perfect Day Publishing. His book THIS IS PART OF SOMETHING BIGGER CALLED SMALL will be out this year.

The Old Chagrin use instruments to generate sounds, which, when taken together, produce feelings of euphoria in listeners.